Saturday, August 31, 2019

Araby †James Joyce Essay

One of the most intriguing works by Irish writer James Joyce is â€Å"Araby† in which a young boy, who is the narrator, leads a carefree life in a Dublin neighborhood before falling in love with his friend’s sister. He is always watching her steps, every single morning. When they finally speak, the girl mentions the existence of an exotic bazaar in town, named â€Å"Araby†. The narrator then becomes obssessed with the idea of going to the bazaar to bring the girl a present. Nevertheless, disappointment is an important theme of the novel. The young boy is ultimately faced with reality when he goes to Araby and realizes that he cannot afford the things that are sold there. In others words, Joyce deals with the dichotomy of fantasy versus reality in â€Å"Araby†, giving it a rather pessimistic approach, where reality and its negativity prevail. In order to better comprehend Joyce’s â€Å"Araby†, it is important to understand the author’s biography and the time in history in which â€Å"Dubliners† was written. Joyce was born in a poor family in February of 1884. His father had several jobs and his mother was a devout Catholic. A young Joyce eventually moved to Paris, where he worked as a teacher and journalist, and later, during World War I, he took refuge in Zurich, Switzerland. Since Joyce spent great part of his adult life outside of Ireland, â€Å"Dubliners† is written through the eyes of a â€Å"refugee†, as a member of Dublin’s society who is also an outsider. Through â€Å"Dubliners† and its short stories, including â€Å"Araby†, Joyce describes life in Dublin, how religion influenced and dominated Irish society and how a national identity came to be. At that time, Ireland, a country that had suffered the horrors of the Great Famine in the past along with the death and emigration of millions of its people was now struggling culturally and politically to create its own identity and breakaway from British political control and cultural influence. The conflict between Catholics and Protestants was at its peak, as the entire island was under United Kingdom’s rule. In other words, Ireland and its society were going through a turbulent period in history, which affected Joyce’s use of language in â€Å"Dubliners† as well as the themes cointained in his works, such as religion, the hardships of reality and Anglo-Irish relations. â€Å"Dubliners† is a unique compilation of stories because it follows a chronological pattern. â€Å"Araby† falls in the category of â€Å"childhood†, because its narrator is a young boy and also due to the fact that one of its central themes is growth and maturity. In order for such growth to take place, â€Å"Araby† follows a clear sequence of events, which is described by William York Tindall in â€Å"A Reader’s Guide to James Joyce† as â€Å"illusion, disillusionment and coming to awareness† (19). These three elements that result in the character’s growth are well defined in the story. Mangan’s sister and the bazaar both represent illusion. Disillusionment is present when the narrator goes to â€Å"Araby† and realizes that it is not what he had expected. Finally, disillusionment is shown in the end, when he comes to the conclusion that he is not able to buy Mangan’s sister a gift, which in turn, leads to the final moment of epiphany, a concept that will be further discussed. Another essential aspect to â€Å"Araby† is the presence of images and symbols throughout the story, in particular those with religious conotations. Since religion and the church played an important role in Irish society and Joyce was Irish himself, religious themes are abundant in some of Joyce’s works, â€Å"Araby† being one of them. Religious imagery is present in the very beginning of the story, when the narrator mentions that the former tenant of the house where he lives was a priest. The house itself also contains religious symbol, in this case, in the garden: † The wild garden behind the house contained a central apple-tree and a few struggling bushes under one of which I found the late tenant’s rusty bicycle-pump† (373). It is evident that the apple-tree in the story evokes images of the Adam and Eve passage in the Bible, where they were tempted to eat the â€Å"forbidden fruit† which was an apple. Mangan’s sister, the â€Å"object† of the narrator’ affection, is perhaps the most significant religious symbol in the story. The narrator is devoted to her much like a religious person is devoted to God or a Saint. The connection between Mangan’s sister and religious worship is shown in the passage where the narrator goes marketing with his aunt, while passing through the crowded and disorganized streets: I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through the throng of foes. Her [Mangan’s sister] name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand My eyes were often full of tears (I could not tell why) and at times a flood from my heart seemed to pour itself out into my bosom (179). The narrator’s feelings to Mangan’s sister are so intense to the point of being compared to a religious experience. When he mentions Mangan’s sister name in â€Å"strange prayers† he is describing the powerful effect that she has on him, like the power of a prayer to a religious person. To the narrator, her name in the strange prayers has the same force as the name of Jesus or Mary in a traditional Catholic prayer. Cleanth Brooks, Jr. and Robert Penn Warren reinforce the link between the narrator’s desire and religion in their work, titled â€Å"The Chalice Bearer† by affirming that â€Å"(†¦ ) when he [the narrator] speaks of his confused adoration, we see that the love of the girls takes on, for him, something of the nature of a mystic, religious experience. The use of the very word confused hints of the fact that romantic love and religious love are mixed up in his mind† (95). The narrator, thus, is yet to discover reality. He is still trapped in a world of illusion where the lines of pure, religious love and physical desire are somewhat blurred. The bazaar, called Araby, furthers the narrator into illusionment. The name of the bazaar evokes images of a far and exotic place: â€Å"The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me† (375). It can be argued that the bazaar also represents a religious symbol in the story. Such view is supported by William York Tindall: â€Å"The Church, after all, is a more or less Oriental foundation, and the ecclesiastical suggestion of Araby (â€Å"not some Freemason affair†) is supported by metaphor† (20). In other words, Araby can be regarded as a religious institution that takes over the life of the narrator. His anticipation of the visit to the bazaar becomes a focal point of his life, interfering with his everyday activities: â€Å"I answered few questions in class. I watched my master’s face pass from amiability to sternness†¦ I could not call my wandering thoughts together† (375). The story ends with dissapointment and frustration when the boy arrives at the bazaar and realizes that most mof the stalls are closed, and even if they were open, he would not be able to buy Mangan’s sister a gift. The narrator finally understands that life is harsh. In other words, â€Å"Araby† presents a moment of epiphany. Nevertheless, Joyce goes against the traditional concept of epiphany in â€Å"Araby. † Epiphany is usually associated with enlightment and positive growth whereas in â€Å"Araby† epiphany is linked with negativity. Such idea is supported by Florence L. Walzl in â€Å"A Companion to Joyces’ Studies. She argues that: † His [the narrator] inability to buy even a trinket for the girl and his perception of the inanity of the flirtation he has just witnessed climax in an epiphanic vison, not of light, but of darkness† (175). With such statement, Walzl acknowledges that the pattern of â€Å"illusion, disillutionment and coming to awareness† in the story comes â€Å"full circle†. Instead of enlightment, the narrator’s epiphany causes him to become bitter: † Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger† (377). Since religious symbols are a constant presence in the story, it has been argued that the narrator’s disappointment is, in reality, disappointment with the Church and the values that it represents. This position is shared by Florence Walzl in her conclusion of her analysis: At the narrative level, â€Å"Araby† manifests disillusionment in young love; at a symbolic level, it represents disillusionment in the theological virtue of charity. Faith, hope and love are diminished in this first triad of tales of childhood (176). In conclusion, â€Å"Araby† is a story of a young love. As such, it presents moments of illusion throughout most of the story. However, illusion is shattered by the narrator’s dark epiphany. A closer analysis of â€Å"Araby† reveals that there is more to the story than a young boy’s first love. The abundance of religious imagery shows the readers that the story is very much about criticism of the Church’s role in the lives of the Irish people and its effect on a nation that was struggling politically to be free from the United Kingdom’s influence and ideologically, with the animosity between Catholics and Protestants.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Has Technology Affected Global Business Essay

Before the arrival of the era of the technology, business was done very inside the four walls of the office. Technology advancement is responsible for today’s noticeable changes in the field of business, mainly in international business. Nowadays, almost every home and office is equipped with computers that are connected to the Internet. Most businesses are conducted over personal computers or other communication devices such as handheld devices. It has become easier to access information and learn about developing economic trends and problems as well as gather data on foreign exchange market, cultures and policies. The advancement of technology has also made it easier for businesses to deal with foreign investments. Furthermore, technology has changed the way we deal with business matters. The internet has become a very useful tool for international companies. Other than that, Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods and Chau (2004) stated that â€Å"computers allow organizations of all types and sizes, locally and internationally, to speed transactions and improve decision making. Schermerhorn, Davidson, Poole, Simon, Woods and Chau (2004) also suggested that from small retailers to the big international firms, technology is an important tool for everyday operation whether it is for inventory checking, sales transaction making, ordering goods or analyzing customer preferences. With internet, video conferencing can be used by both parties to see each other virtually on TV or computer screen. For example, in Malaysia we can have a conversation with a raw material supplier in China and a manufacturer from Taiwan. By using the internet, companies across the world can perform research and socialize with partners and suppliers better. This will eventually lead us to having a better relationship with international suppliers and customers. Next, the existence of technology has also caused improvement in the field of the media in the means of communication. Anyone can easily access data of a specific foreign company with the help of media such as internet, radio, newspaper and magazines. Increased media capabilities can help international businesses improve their productivity through media’s various means of reaching out to public. Once a company’s productivity level increases, profits can also scale up. Other than that, with computers, we can now store dense databases, personal schedules and other important information in the computer without having to store the old and dusty piles of papers and files in the office. Accessibility of files also has become an easy task with series of password keys and shared folders. Cash transactions are easily made, delay in reduced hence giving liquidity to business. In order to save time and effort, we can also now use accounting software such as UBS to record and process accounting transactions. The shipment of raw materials and finished products is very important to any business, but mostly for those with an international scope. Technology of transportation enables a company on one continent to send its raw materials or products to another company in a different continent. Technological advancements in airplanes, cargo ships and railways allow for quicker, cheaper delivery, which impacts business by making global distribution more feasible. Technology has helped in customer service, huge corporations such as Apply and Microsoft attend to customer needs through email and chat services. Networking internal and external in organizations has improved the working of businesses. Staffs and clients likewise can get in touch with the managers for feedback, progress reports and extensions. It is definitely more convenient for customers as they do not need to trouble themselves to walk into a company that they want to complain or need help from.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

American Medical Association AMA

Amongst the midst of the ancient remains of a mastodon (Mammut amercanum) inside the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, more than two hundred fifty delegates from twenty-eight states met in May 7, 1847 to form a national convention of medical practitioners as response to the resolution of Dr. Nathan S. Davis (1817-1904) in the New York Medical Association. All affirmed Dr. Davies’ vision and agreed to the founding of the American Medical Association with Dr. Nathaniel Chapman as its founding president (â€Å"Founding of the American Medical Association,† 2005).Since then AMA has been the leading organization in promoting the medical science and consolidating the doctors and their patients. Among its goals are to centralize scientific advancement in the field of medical science, to set standards and establish rules for medical practice and education, and to improve public health. The AMA’s Strategies To achieve their goal to consolidate sci entific advancements in the field of medical science, they institutionalized the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in 1883. This publication became the largest publication for a weekly medical journal in theâ€Å"33183073 American Medical Association AMA† â€Å"Page # 2† world and became a forum for members of the medical society to communicate easily with each other and learn of the most recent medical discoveries or research in the science of medicine (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2006). In the advent of computer technology and the internet, they gained new means of relaying new discoveries and data to their members and even to non-members alike. In their official website, the association provides links to electronic editions of JAMA.Also they provide a means for patients to find the right physicians to help them with their health problem, together with their location and availability trough the â€Å"DoctorFinder† feature of th eir website (â€Å"DoctorFinder,† 2006). To attain national recognition and to increase its membership, the AMA in 1901 decided to reorganize the association and create a more effective national body by enabling each state medical society to have equal representation. They then established the AMA House of Delegates (HOD) as the legislative body of the AMA (â€Å"American Medical Association,† 2006).This permitted the organization to increase its number and relevance with respect to the national medical society. The establishment of the HOD increased the organization’s influence in the medical society enabling them to make decisions that are respected by all medical practitioners. According to the US History Encyclopedia (2006), the AMA recommended the implementation of severe standards of medical training in schools and was the one who established the original Code of Medical Ethics in 1847 and provides a lead role in the development of the American Code of Med ical Ethics until today.In regards to their mission to improve the condition of public health in America the Association took part on numerous public health initiatives such as the declaration of â€Å"33183073 American Medical Association AMA† â€Å"Page # 3† alcoholism as an illness in 1956 and the recommendation of a nationwide polio vaccination in the 1960’s. Recent efforts of the organizations to promote the Children’s Medical Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act in congress show the AMA’s intention to help improve public health by making public care affordable to less able patients or citizens.Their support for CHAMP is consistent with their vehement campaign against the reduction of Medicare funds that would greatly increase the cost to beneficiaries of the insurance system and reduce their access to care (â€Å"Tell Congress to pass the Children's Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act,† 2007). These, together with numerous other efforts, not mentioned here, by the AMA are vital to the improvement of the American public health and the medical community as a whole. ConclusionThe AMA is fighting a continues struggle for the improvement of medicine as a science and the development of public care so as to continually give patients the proper attention that is due them. Their success in the elevation of the status of the medical science and public health in the USA is their contribution to the American society as a whole, and this allowed the United States to be one of the worlds leading countries in the field of medical science. References American Medical Association. (n. d. ). Encyclopedia of American History. Retrieved August 02, 2007, from Answers. com Web site: http://www. American Medical Association. (n. d. ). Encyclopedia of Public Health. Retrieved August 02, 2007, from Answers. com Web site: http://www. answers. com/topic/american-medical-associatio n DoctorFinder. (2006). Retrieved Aug. 2, 2007, from http://webapps. ama-assn. org/doctorfinder/home. html Founding of the American Medical Association. (2005). Retrieved July 28, 2007, from http://www. ama-assn. org/ama/pub/category/12982. html Tell Congress to pass the Children's Health and Medicare Protection (CHAMP) Act. (2007). Retrieved Aug. 2, 2007, from http://capwiz. com/ama/issues/alert/? alertid=10078856

Journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Journal entry - Essay Example During this exercise I managed to make an observation practice that regards evidence bias on hygiene among care providers. Later on I had a conversation with my preceptor regarding hygiene among care providers (Rutledge, 2011). My preceptor prepared me for the need to ensure hygiene in health institutions to reduce infections. My preceptor also gave me information regarding departments that ensure hand hygiene and how important it is. Hand hygiene helps to reduce hospital acquired infection. A meeting where I participated was held to discuss ways to sustain hand washing program. At the meeting, it was suggested that, to ensure hygiene, hand washing materials have to be availed to the employees in every department (Beauchesne, 2010). I then presented my practicum manual to the preceptor. The preceptor explained her role in this exercise and also asked me to let her know of my goals expectations in the next meeting. I engaged with the personnel from infection control department to evaluate the need of hand washing exercise to maintain hygiene in all the departments. I then had a meeting with my preceptor where we had a discussion on the following: the last weeks’ assignment, how we can work together with my preceptor to achieve the set objectives for the for the practicum experience. Rutledge, C. M., Renaud, M., Shepherd, L., Bordelon, M., Haney, T., Gregory, D. & Ayers, P. (2011). Educating advanced practice nurses in using social media in rural health care.  International journal of nursing education scholarship,  8(1),

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami - Essay Example TOver the years the 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and the Tsunami has been named in different ways. Due to the Tsunami South Asian countries were deeply affected and that is why it is also known as South Asian tsunami. It is very important to know the reasons behind this mammoth natural calamity. The earthquake and the Tsunami took place because two Tectonic Plates sub ducted with each other. In more precise way, India Plate sub ducted with Burma Plate. This subduction caused a cascading effect of destructive Tsunami. Those Tsunamis shattered the countries bordering with the Indian Ocean. Lives of the coastal communities were significantly hampered by the gigantic tides. Tides were as high as 30mtrs and inundated different coastal belts of several South Asian countries. Indonesia was the worst hit country because epicentre was nearby the Sumatra only. According to the seismographic readings, it was the 3rd largest earthquake. The severity of the earthquake was backed up by the duratio n of its tremor. The quake continued for almost 10 minutes. The hypocenter of the quake was located almost 160 KM far from the western part of the Sumatra. The magnitude of the earthquake was so severe that the tremor was felt simultaneously in different countries like India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Singapore and Thailand. According to the findings of different researches, collision of Tectonic Plates removed enormous amount of water and created significantly powerful shock waves in the various direction which caused this catastrophic disaster.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Managing Contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors Case Study - 1

Managing Contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors - Case Study Example As a result, they ran a group of applications on different schedules, paired differently such that each application had the opportunity to pair with the other applications. They ran each possible schedule in the same memory domain rather than as an individual entity. In doing this they managed to attain the actual degradation of each bench mark while sharing the same memory domain as another bench mark. They then compared the actual best schedule with the estimated best schedule, that is they compared the degradation of the estimated best schedule in relation to the actual best one. They concluded that high-rate-miss applications should not be combined with low-rate-miss applications. Zhuravlev et al.(2) adds that previous works meant to improve thread performance in multicore systems was based on cache contention as it was assumed that it was the main, if not the only cause of performance degradation. They also state that (Zhuravlev et al. 20) "in this context cache contention is suffering extra cache misses because its co-runner (threads running on cores that share the same LLC) bring their own data into the LLC evicting the data of others." As stated by (Federova et al. 45) when a thread requests a cache line that doesnt exist, then a cache miss is registered, and a new cache line must be allocated. Chandra, Guo, Kim and Salihin (nd, p1) indicate that the sharing of a cache by threads in multicore processors is important to prevent redundancy. However, when several threads share the same cache, they compete for the available cache space. The sharing of cache space isnt uniform and therefore, the performance of those threads that access less cache space is greatly reduced. Federova et al. (32) have throughout the analysis aim to prove that the best formula to avoid contention in multicore processor systems is by building a contention-aware scheduler. They state that assigning applications to cores depending on the best possible schedule, may

Monday, August 26, 2019

Employee Reward nd Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Employee Reward nd Development - Essay Example Organizational learning has been proposed as a fundamental strategic process and the only sustainable competitive advantage of the future (Vera and Crossan, 2004) as it increases the rate of change, provides flexible organization of structures, continuous improvement, and organizational interactions are actively managed and optimized (Easterling, n.d.). Smith, Araujo and Burgoyne (Vera and Crossan et al (2004) developed a theoretical model with 4I framework linked by four social and psychological processes like intuiting, interpreting, integrating and institutionalizing. Organizational learning is viewed as a process of change in thought and action among individual and group which is embedded in and affected by the institutions of the organization. It is further argued that tension between assimilating new learning (exploration) and using what has been learned (exploitation) is the basic challenges of organizational learning. The learning organization concept is about building learni ng and knowledge creating capacity in individuals and enabling the effective dissemination of this knowledge through the organization. The learning organization is the product or result of a critical combination of internal change mechanisms concerned with structure, process and human capability allied to continuous environmental reviews which is intended to improve performance (Thomas and Allen, 2006). According to Egan, Yang and Bartlett (2004) organizational learning culture can enhance employee’s job satisfaction and both of these variables influence the organizational outcome variables of motivation to transfer learning and turnover intention. The analytic framework of the learning organization developed by Watkins and Marsick (Egan, Yang and Bartlett, 2004) provides a lucid and broad definition of the construct of learning organization which not only identifies underlying learning organization dimensions but also integrates such dimensions in theoretical framework which specifies interdependent relationship and was also agreed by Ortenblad (Egan, Yang and Bartlett 2004)). Vince (2001) while examining the organizational learning in Hyder Plc mentioned that the conceptualization which indicates that â€Å"individual staff can benefit from on-the-job learning and training which is highly practical and applied† (p.1326) and further argued that organizational learning is visible in the organizational dynamics which is created from the interaction of politics (power relations) and emotions. According to Miner and Mezias (1996) various theories have tacitly assumed a fixed world of exogenous conditions to which organizations must adapt while ‘learning’ carries a positive connotation in many cultures. Behavioral learning scholars claim that incremental learning is common and has useful outcomes. It is pertinent to mention that incremental and radical learning are both meaningful concepts that enhance survival and prosperity while may c ause damage the organizational culture. According to Yeo (2002) behavioral or adaptive learning approach clarifies that learning is directly associated to some action which follows it. Cognitive learning assumes that learning is more than just applying rules or responding to small scale problems and making basic elements of a subject. Sanchez, Vijande and Gutierrez (2010) mention that

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cando processes of globalization help alleviate poverty Essay

Cando processes of globalization help alleviate poverty - Essay Example (Aart, 2005) There are also sources that use "modernization" as a synonym for globalization, and it is sometimes subsumed under "liberalization," "Neoliberalism," and "post-modernism." Globalization may be seen as a structure, a process, an ideology, or a combination of these. Proponents of globalization see it as, "A force which is beneficial to all, individuals and states, in all parts of the world" (George& Wilding, 2002). Opponents of globalization see it "as of benefit to the upper groups in society, to the multinational companies and the affluent world; and as detrimental to the satisfaction of public needs," and as a "force for the perpetuation and accentuation of inequalities within and between groups of countries for the benefit of multinationals and the upper classes. Its constant emphasis on increased competitiveness involves a race to the bottom". A number of factors have led to the process called "globalization." As large corporations began diversifying their products and services by buying up smaller enterprises-usually for stock market, income tax or other financial benefits-they became conglomerates. By then merging with similar-often-overseas-conglomerates, they became huge international entities known as MNCs (Multinational Corporations). The economic breakdown of the Soviet Union gave further impetus to globalization as many foreign firms hurried to establish units in so-called economies in transition. Free trade agreements of various kinds further supported this process. MNCs now account for between a quarter and a third of the world's output, 70 percent of world trade and 80 percent of direct international investment. Perhaps more importantly, international financial institutions, including aid agencies, put conditions on their aid or loans. The World Bank, for example, plays its part by demanding open trade channels as a condition for financial help. Even the partial integration of Europe and the introduction of the Euro made business across former boundaries easier, and consequently, "MNCs are increasingly organizing production and service provisions on an international basis" (Held & McGrew, 2003). The International Monetary Fund strongly advocates less or no government intervention in the economy, but its preconditions for loans have grown from about a dozen to over eighty, thus dictating the economic policies of countries vulnerable to its restrictions. The activities of international banks and aid programs like the IMF, the World Trade Organization and World Bank are not without immediate consequences for working people, and particularly for the poor. The role and activities of some of these organizations are worth quoting: The World Trade Organization was designed as a meeting place where willing nations could sit in equality and negotiate rules of trade for their mutual advantage, in the service of sustainable international development.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Health and environmental effects of diesel pollution Essay

Health and environmental effects of diesel pollution - Essay Example Some of these particles are often directly released into the atmosphere while others are formed when they are mixed and react with other pollutants in the atmosphere. These particles often come in various sizes. Fine Particles (PM2.5). These are also known as fine particles and usually measure up to 2.5 microns in diameter. These are seen in almost all sources of fuel combustion, from automobiles, wood burning, industrial plants, and power plants. With their diminutive configurations, they are likely to deeply penetrate the lungs and respiratory system. Where large concentrations of this fine particulate matter are formed, a haze is usually apparent. Coarse Particles (PM10). These are particles which measure about 2.5 to 10 microns and are derived from various sources like natural wind, erosion of soil, or airborne residue from industrial plants. These particles are often visible to the naked eye, and can appear collectively as haze, dust, or soot. Particle pollution always presents a significant risk, however, the risk is usually greater: During calm weather when pollution usually accumulates or builds up In and around factories, especially during busy hours and along near busy roads. When smoke is emitted from wood stoves, fireplaces, forest fires, and other burning vegetation. Health Effects of Particle Pollution & Who is Most at Risk The lungs and the heart are usually affected during particulate pollution. Studies suggest that the initial response to short-term exposure to particle pollution is coughing, along with minor throat irritation. Where larger particles are involved, the lung function is often reduced, along with the rate of respiration and cardiovascular function. Various studies have already been carried out associating fine particles with various health issues, including: Asthma and chronic bronchitis Acute respiratory symptoms, with coughing and chest tightness Decreased lung function, usually felt as shortness of breath Heart attacks Prematur e death among individuals with an existing heart or lung disease These conditions often cause issues with work and school activities. Moreover, the possibility of emergency room visits and admissions is often increased with these conditions. As for longer-term exposures, more health issues often become apparent, life expectancy is often reduced, and other health issues often become exacerbated. The following "sensitive groups" are often vulnerable to health issues with exposure to high levels of particulates: Children, since their lungs are still in the development stage Elderly, especially those already suffering from cardiovascular diseases Those who are asthmatic or who are already suffering from any respiratory problems. In addition, healthy adults who experience respiratory difficulties when exposed to fine particulates may also be affected by the pollution since they are likely to breathe deeply and exert more during exercise or work. Environmental Effects of Particle Pollutio n As was mentioned previously, significant amounts of coarse and fine particles usually create a haze which can affect visibility and compromise visual range to a significant extent. Airborne particles and droplets also usually remain in the air for long periods of time and sometimes even travel great distances. As they settle in a particular place, they may cause damage to surfaces; they can acidify lakes and other bodies of water, and cause significant damage to plants and animals. Nitrogen Dioxide

Friday, August 23, 2019

Three Issues for Graduate Nurse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Three Issues for Graduate Nurse - Essay Example In other words it is the relationship that exists pertaining to doctors and nurses, regarding the method, nature and level of communication between them. However, not all nurses possess the appropriate qualities of communication. Interprofessional communication issue is brought about by lack of good communication skills between the nurses and doctors, which eventually results in violence, hostility and/or sexual harassment (Raising the SBAR, 42). The effect that results in these circumstances results in mainly inefficiencies in the provision of healthcare to the public. In the forum, there was emphasis put predominantly on the issue of interprofessional communication. Many nurses face the rage of uncouth supervision, which ends in the detriment of many in the nursing profession, engraving a bad reputation to the nursing industry leading to repulsion of many new entrants into the nursing profession. Other issues arising in this discussion concerning the hurdle of inter-professional co mmunication were the use of abusive language between doctors and nurses, discrimination due to professional standards, sexual harassment and sometimes harshness (Dorschner, 43, 2010). According to Raising the SBAR (41) the president of American Nurses Association of California put forward possible remedies that could aid in reformation of the nursing sector. He urged those in the nursing industry to pick a leaf from their counterparts in other professions and endeavor towards a coherent relationship in the workplace. Some departments in the health profession have been known to encourage a favorable environment for their workers and patients: mental disability departments, analgesic care and hospices. This has been influenced primarily by the rise in awareness campaigns towards teaching graduates on the need for holding proper communication skills. Personally, enhanced interprofessional communication will assist me to easily get used to the new working environment. This will be attri buted to the efficient communication with my colleagues who will be on different professional levels. Task 2: Relevance to a Graduate Nurse The reason for my entry into the healthcare industry is that I hold a personal interest to render a helping hand to the less fortunate, the sick and the elderly. I however have a challenge of expressing myself especially in times of crisis. Currently, many learning institutions are trying to bridge the gap by providing extra education course units to be covered which include linguistic course units. The relationship evident between the doctors and nurses and between the nurses directly attributes to the numbers of patients that show up at the health facilities (Fero, Witsberger, Wesmiller, Zullo &, Hoffman, 142, 2009). For those institutions that do not hold these privileges, it is important that graduates take a step and strive to curb the language barrier, as it will also make it easier for them to fit in the professional registered nurse fiel d. Emphasis was put particularly on the issues that arise regarding inter-professional communication. Due to the rise in the number of graduate nurses in the field, some limelight has been shed on the issue of inter-professional communication and many nurses and doctors have taken up the ideology that many other fields of professions employ. There is a sense of hope that reforms will take

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Wildest Weather in the Solar System Essay Example for Free

Wildest Weather in the Solar System Essay On February 20 2012, me and my daughter went to the Gates Planetarium in Denver to see the showing of the Wildest Weather in the Solar System. The first thing we did was to walk around the Space Odyssey and explore some of the exhibit they had. Then we went to see the show which I must say was far more thrilling then I or my daughter could have imagined. When you first walk into the Space Odyssey you are amazed it almost looks as thought your walking on to a spaceship or what I would imagine it to be like. When you go thought the entrance you walk into a very long white tunnel with different colored lights all around you. The first exhibit we seen when we emerged from the tunnel was a very lager replica of the earth rotating around and also it look to be tilted my guess to represent the 23 1/2 tilt that the earth has. The next exhibit we seen was the recreation of the surface of mars or more specifically the Candor Chasma Canyons with 15,000 foot cliffs. The last exhibit we looked at before we had to go into the show was of a museum host talking about the Kuiper belt which is kind of like a asteroid belt but instead of being all rock, ice and metal the Kuiper belt is mostly frozen methane, ammonia and water. The wildest weather show was pretty amazing with the screen all around us creating a dome and every thing else being completely dark it make for a great experience me and my daughter shall not forget. First we travel to the sun and inside the core is a thermal nuclear fusion reactor creating energy which is transported to the surface where it becomes twisted in the powerful magnetic fields, the fields open up to allow burst of solar winds. Then we were off to Mercury who is in the path of the solar storms from the sun. The solar winds blast the atoms right off the planet creating a tail of particles stretching a million and a half km into space. Then we went on with are journey of the solar system to Venus. Venus has high winds and toxic clouds of sulfuric acid. On its surface Venus is a oven because of green house gases that are trap from the thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide as a result the average temperature is 460 degrees Celsius making it the hottest planet in the solar system. The last planet I’m going to tell you about that we visited is Mars. Mars is a frozen desert coated in layers of dust. Mars weather can create dust devils from the warming of the sun the hot air rises meeting the cold air to make Martian dust devils that can reach 8 km high. Also at certain times the wind can lift giant clouds of dust off the surface engulfing the planet in a globe dust storm. In all I would just like to say that from all I learned about the different planets in are solar system I think we are very lucky to have a unique place like earth to call home.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

September 11 2001 Essay Example for Free

September 11 2001 Essay

How To Keep Yourself Healthy Essay

How To Keep Yourself Healthy Essay Maintaining a healthy body is not that easy and not so difficult also. Always there is a need to be healthy because unhealthy body will be attacked by many diseases. Here we will discuss about some tips which will help to have a happy and healthy life. Most important tip for a healthy body is to have healthy food and eat them at proper time. Avoid eating junk food. None of the nutrients are available in these junks foods so no point in having them. Your diet should contain food which has more nutrients. Try to include leafy vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk, and fish in your daily diet. Make sure you are having your breakfast regularly. Skipping your breakfast regularly will definitely affect your health. If water content in your body goes low then it will lead to dehydration. So to keep the body healthy make sure you drink more amount of water daily. Exercise also pays a vital role in keeping your body healthy. Regular exercise will also keep your body in good health. By exercise it doesnt mean a simple and slow walk. It should be in such a way that your body should start sweating. You can go for running, do cycling, walking faster etc. Daily find some time 30 mints to one hour per day for your exercise. Have a regular checking of your weight and try to control it. Its nice to have Medical checkups and dental checkups by which you can have an idea about your health condition. Apart from these always try to manage your stress. Most people due to stress at work have health problems. By controlling your stress you can maintain a healthy body. Bad habits like smoking, drinking, using of drugs should be avoided. Usage of these items will have a very bad affect on your health. Your body should get enough time to take rest. Make sure you get a sleep of 8 hours daily. Sleep is very important for healthy body and also for mental and emotional happiness. Comparison of health and fitness Fitness and health seems to be same for everyone but they have entirely two different meanings. Fitness can be defined as the physical ability to perform work, sports etc with ease. While health is a condition in which the body should have resistance capacity from all illness and all parts of the body should works fine without any problem. Your body should possess both fitness as well as health. Men and ladies are equally concerned about your body. They want their body to be fit and healthy. Due to more demand for fit and healthy body many gyms and work out centers are opened. To maintain a healthy and fit body primarily requires self control and will power. Many factors can divert us from achieving our goal of having a fit and healthy body. But never deviate and focus on it and try achieving their goal as all knows Health is wealth. Health can be maintained by proper diet, exercise and hygiene. But in the other case to keep your body you need to do proper exercise. Usually sports people will have a fit body. They shape their body in such a way that it will be fit for their respective sport. But coming to healthy body it is just a matter of controlling weight and making your body immune to diseases. Some people will try to make their body fit so vigorously that they will not think about their diet and health. This creates a problem. So always make sure your body to be healthy and fit. Compared to healthy body, fit body needs more exercise and diet. For a healthy and fit body walking is very good exercise which helps in burning the excess fat in your body. A fit body doesnà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½t mean that it should look good from outside. A fit and healthy body should be physically active and energetic and smart enough to accept any tasks given to them. Athletic training This is a program followed by athletes to make their body ready for the respective sport that they are going to perform. Training is mainly conducted by certified professional. It is the duty of the trainers to attend if any emergency comes for the athlete Athletic training also deals about how to avoid and cure the sport injuries through many therapeutic exercises and by providing proper food. Candidates who are interested to become an athlete trainer should first get a degree from certified training curriculum. There are many programs under which certifications are possible. Some of them are nutrition, first aid, emergency care, treatment for injury and illness etc. Class room trainings are available for this certification. Most of the certified trainers are having a master degree. Athletic trainers have got a very important role in taking care of the injured athletes. Quick emergency and reviews of the injured athletes are done by these trainers. They also provide an important communication link between the bruised athlete, his family, his coach and his family and will help them to decide when the athlete should be ready for his next practice session or competition. Never compare athletic training with personal training. Both have got vast differences. Athletic trainers can be seen at places where people with more physical activities are available. Athletic training services are available in Schools, clinics, Hospitals, workplaces. Athletic training is a profession that has got wide variety of career opportunities. Yearly the demand for the profession is growing. They can work in High schools as well in college levels to help the students who got injured during any practice or competition. They have got opportunities in Sports health clinic and also in Health care departments of many companies. In these companies they provide service to the employees who have got any bruises or injuries. They have opportunities in armed forces as well. Tips for a healthy and fit body For a healthy and fit body you need to keep on doing exercise. Many factors will come across us and can divert us from achieving our goal of being fit and healthy. But you should be having strong self discipline and will power to achieve this healthy and fit body. Below given are some methods through which can maintain a fit and healthy body. Most important is the exercise. Make it a routine to move your body. You can do this by running around your home, playing with your kids, climbing up and down the stair case and so on. This will help in increasing your blood circulation. You can also join a gym where you will have an instructor who can guide you to have a healthy and fit body. Try to avoid fatty food and junk food. These foods are not going to give any nutrients to your body. Better stick on to a diet which includes fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and Dairy Products such as milk. Limited number of dried fruits can be included in your diet. Reduce intake of foods which are more salty and food with more sugar. Too much sugar and salt is bad for health. Have food at proper timings .Try not skip any meals. If you dont feel hungry also eat something but dont skip the meals. Avoid all the bad habits like smoking, drinking, using drugs etc. This will make your health more badly. Try to manage your stress by walking in beach or watching any sport channel or by listening to music or anything that makes you relaxed. Keep your hands clean regularly because many diseases can attack your body though you hands. Try to maintain good hygiene which will keep all the sickness away from your body. Do a regular body as well as dental checkups. Maintain your healthy weight and make sure it is under control. Above given tips can help you to have a fit and healthy body. But most important is self determination. If you possess self determination then definitely you can achieve a healthy and fit body. How Can Regular Exercise Keep You Healthy Both nutrition and exercise play a very vital role in the amount of fat stored in the body. All types of exercise will not reduce your body fat. For reducing body fat, first try to increase the duration of exercise rather than decreasing the level of food intake. Studies have proved that there is a significant relation between lack of physical activity and fat build up. Just by being more active generally such as ascending stairs instead of taking the lift, moving in the office instead of sitting still in front of our desktop as well as showing some enthusiasm instead of boredom, are all various means to burn calories and reducing body fat. It seems everyone have forgotten the value of being active. Dieting without exercising will result in getting fatter. One should increase his/her metabolism by exercising regularly to avoid getting fat. The easiest exercise for strengthening your bones, controlling weight, leg muscles toning and improving self esteem is walking. It is advisable to walk at a moderate pace. Walking at high speeds every alternate day will help improve ones system. Walking aimlessly for per hour day will not be effective at all. Exercise and diet are linked to each other when it comes to good health and weight loss. Better than maintaining a balanced diet without exercise, it is better to exercise without dieting. Performing sit ups and crunches alone, the fat in your body will not transform to muscles. You have to do many other activities like active sports, running, cycling that help get rid of excess body fat as it burn lots of calories. Running at full vigor burns more calories than walking at brisk pace. It is very important that you keep in mind to lose body fat; burn more calories and eat less. More calories can be burnt and you can attain your goal quicker if you focus on exercising harder.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Panama Canal :: American America History

Panama Canal How did we, humans, accomplish these great tasks? Such deeds are the Great Wall of China and the pyramids of Egypt. But one of these magnificent accomplishments is more significant than others: the Panama Canal. Encouraged by the French, the US built a vital link for the entire world. Despite previous failures by preceding organizations, the US was able to survive. This structure remains today as one of the greatest engineering marvels of the modern world. The Canal goes as far back as the 16th century after Europeans realizing the riches of South America and Asia. Charles I of Spain ordered the first survey of a proposed canal route through the Isthmus of Panama. The survey was finished in 1529 but wars in Europe simply put the project on hold. Then, Emperor Napoleon III of France toyed with the idea of a canal in French land across the sea but never thought much more of it. Various maps were drawn between 1850 and 1875 and proved that only 2 routes were possible: one across Panama and the other across Nicaragua. In 1876, an international company was mustered but failed. Three years later, Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, the builder of the Suez Canal across Egypt, organized a French company. Lesseps' succession at Suez gave him confidence that a canal at Panama would be no different. A lease on building the canal was sold to France by Colombia from 1878 to 1903. In the beginning, Lesseps had hoped to muster 400 billion francs but received 30 million francs, only 8% of what he had wished for. Work for the French company started in 1882. From that point on, the company and the canal were plagued by troubles, from money to diseases. France gave up on the canal project and began a search for a buyer. Eventually, France found a friend in the US. America sent Lieutenant Menocal to survey Nicaragua for a canal site. But, the government lost funding, the first and last of America's mistakes on the canal project. President McKinley would have probably secured funds for a Nicaraguan canal, had not a bullet taken his life. Theodore Roosevelt decided to begin anew and a friendship with the Republic of Panama. Philippe Bunau-Varilla, an American ambassador, wrote the Hay-Bunau-Varilla treaty, which was ratified by the new Panamanian Government in 1903 and by the American Senate in early 1904.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Blood Work :: essays research papers

The fictional novel I decided to read was called Blood Work written by Michael Connelly. The book is pretty much about a FBI agent, retired because of his recent heart transplant surgery, he is living a retired life on his boat by himself when a girl named Graciela Rivers shows up. She tells the main character, Terry Mcaleb that his new heart is from her recently murdered sister, Gloria Torres and asks Terry to come out of retirement to find out who murdered her sister.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I really liked this book because it had a very interesting story line with many twists and turns along the way. The story follows Terry in his search for Gloria’s murderer. Along the way he gets many leads such as 2 previous unsolved cases of people murdered in cold blood for no apparent reason. Throughout the book almost all of the leads that were talked about turned out to be useless I found this to be a waste of space. But after the bulk of the book is done Terry makes the connection between the other murders that all of the victims had a rare blood type, the same rare blood type which made it so difficult for him to find a heart for his surgery. After this point the books story starts to pick up again and it all comes together when he finds out that all 3 of the murders were committed by one of the serial killers he never caught as an FBI agent known as the code killer. The code killer killed all of these people specifically so that their organs would b e put up for donation and Terry would get a new heart, the killer wanted him to live because of him. The book comes to a really good ending where all of the loose ends are tied up.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What I did not like about this book was all of the wasted space and time. The book itself had a really good story but could have been told much better. I found that after the problem was stated at the start of the book it all just turned into Terry going after the same useless leads over and over again. The author could have left all of that out of the book and it would have been much more exciting instead of getting the feeling of dragging on until near the end when it picks up again.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

beer :: essays research papers

Imagine that you are sitting on your front porch on a sunny summer afternoon and you ask for a nice cold beer. Then out of the blue your friend rifles a nice big keg of beer at you, which in turn knocks you backward off of the porch. Here’s another image to contemplate. A man tries to force a refrigerator door shut. When he finally thinks he has it shut, the door busts off the hinges and a beer keg rolls out. These two ads for Heineken beer in the new keg cans. These ads end with the catchy phrase the keg can can go where regular kegs cannot.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you first see an ad like this many questions come to mind : first, where are they going with a campaign like this; second, why would Heineken make cans in a shape of a keg, and why would an ad like this entice me to drink Heineken? To most people this add stirs the mind to wonder why Heineken would make keg cans and these amusing commercials to promote them. The commercials carry the humor for the pure fact to catch the attention of the viewer and make them wonder, â€Å"What if a beer out of a keg can tastes like beer out of a keg?† This is one of the fifteen appeals of advertising, the need to satisfy curiosity. Since this is a new type of container for beer its is an unknown commodity to the viewer. Heineken is also an imported beer which is not consumed by most average Americans, which also adds to the curiosity of the ad.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another of these appeals which the ad goes to is the need for prominence. Since Heineken is an expensive imported beer. The manufacturers of Heineken most likely think an ad which shows people drinking or around Heineken shows that they hold a higher social stature. Companies make you think if you spend the money you will have the fame and fun. Also these commercials have another of the appeals. The need for affiliation. Now this may not jump out in the ad. It just seems as if it is an idea used by the company very discreetly. Heineken seems to say that if you buy the keg cans you wont be one of the people who try to take kegs with them everywhere. You will be one of the people who have the portable kegs , the ones in a can , and fit in with the â€Å"Heineken† crowd.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

No Witchcraft for Sale

Gina M. Dees English IV- Honors Mrs. Daly 11/11/12 Culture at its Best â€Å"Piccanin,† shouted Teddy, â€Å"get out of my way! † And he raced in circles around the black child until he was frightened, and fled back to the bush. † This scene from Doris Lessings â€Å"No Witchcraft for Sale† depicts a child being affected by the results of apartheid, a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race, in South Africa. Similar to segregation in America, apartheid separated the blacks and white into two different classes; the blacks being of lower class and whites having high rank in society.Gideon, a cook in Doris Lessing’s short story and the main character, served the Farquar family all of his life. Even though this separation deemed whites as superior, this separation occurred because of cultural differences. As the story begins the audience is introduced to the Farquar’s family who has just brought their first child, Tedd y, into the world. This family, the bosses or the masters lived on a compound and represent the oppressors. This family has a cook servant named Gideon who represents the oppressed.Gideon and the Farquar’s young child Teddy have a strong bond from the beginning. Gideon acted as a father in many ways to the Farquar’s child. Their bond was so extraordinary in this story that is set in a time in South Africa when blacks were treated inferior to whites. Though it was evident Gideon and Teddy’s relationship was real it did not prevent the elements of what racism teaches. Little time was spent by Gideon caring for his family or even being there for his son. Gideon played tirelessly with Teddy catching him when he fell as he learned to walk and tossing him up in the air.Gideon’s son could only watch from the edge of the bush and gaze in awe of the young white boy his same age. Each had a curiosity for the other. Teddy once put out his hand in curiosity to touch the face and hair of a black boy. Gideon’s bond is ironic because whites treated the black natives as if they were so much less than they were, yet the very person coaching a white child to lean to walk was a black man who earned the admiration of his superior and increases in his wages over other workers on the compound.When Gideon says to Mrs. Farquar â€Å"Ah missus, these are both children, and one will grow up to be a baas, and one will be a servant† he accepts the fact that no matter how much love he has for the boy that Teddy will conform to the nasty ways of society. Gideon also gave the child his nickname â€Å"Little Yellow Head†. This nickname shows that Gideon had a level of love and adoration for the young white child. Although this relationship with the child was evident, is it possible Gideon showed the child so much affection to avoid punishment?Gideon even realized that the child he had once held and nurtured would grow up to conform to society. This became evident on the day Teddy used his scooter to frighten Gideon’s son and when reprimanded about the mean act gave the defiant response, â€Å"He is only a black boy. † This showed indifference to Gideon’s son as a person by regarding his act equal to what had been done to scatter squawking chickens and irritated dogs. One afternoon as Teddy was walking exploring the outdoors, a snake spit poisonous venom into his eye.Everyone in the home knew that he could potentially go blind. The child writhed in agony as his mother tried her best to assist her son but she knew not of a cure. When she called for Gideon he sprung into action and ran off into the bush for some herbal medicine that was common among the other African natives to handle being poisoned. When he returned he held in his hand a root. Gideon chewed the root, spit its juices into the eyes of the boy without hesitation even with his mother crying out in protest and pressed it into the child†™s eyes guaranteeing he would be cured.As the reader, I could not help but to feel a certain amount of respect and love towards Gideon, as the Farquar’s did because of his rapid response to help the afflicted child. This quick response was borne out of love for Teddy. Not only were there elements of Gideon and Teddy’s relationship, but certain cultural differences kept the baas’ and natives separate. The natives lived off of ways of the land and kept secrets of remedies to each other. I believe they kept the remedies a secret in order to preserve their culture and practices.The text reads â€Å"No one can live in Africa or at least on the veld, without learning very soon that there is an ancient wisdom of leaf and soil and season-and, too, perhaps most important of all, of the darker tracts of the human mind-which is the black mans heritage. Up and down the district people were telling anecdotes, reminding each other of things that had happened to them. † In contrast the whites believed in medical advances and were skeptical about the accuracy of some of the natives â€Å"bush medicines†.When the scientist states â€Å"We are always checking up on this kind of story, and we draw a blank every time† it proves his disbelief of the African remedies and that he does not trust that they will work. Also the scientist and The Farquar’s try to persuade Gideon to disclose the root by assuring him that the information will be used for the common good. This is a cultural clash because the whites are trying to advance their modern medicine as Gideon is trying to save his cultural practices. Gideon would not let the sacred root of the African witch doctors benefit humanity for a cost.The friendship between Gideon and The Farquar’s is affected by his defiance. They begin to look at him with disdain and annoyance and Gideon displayed hostility, stubbornness and made contradictory statements about the location of the r oot. This cultural clash could also be connected to the power struggles displayed throughout the short story. The scientist and Farquar’s wanted power over Gideon so he would tell the truth about the root, but Gideon maintained control by leading everyone into the bush on a wild goose chase.The text reads â€Å"He (Gideon) picked up, without an attempt at looking anything but casual, a handful of blue flowers that had been growing plentifully all down the path they had come. † Gideon is mocking the scientist and Farquar’s will and intelligence as he had them walk 6 miles in the bush to search for this root when all he did was pick up a measly flower that had been growing down the whole path. He showed them and the readers that he was not afraid to protect his cultural practices.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Buyer decision process Essay

Marketing Thoery & Practice Q.13 What is meant by the ‘buyer decision process’ ? Explain the process , relating it to an individual’s purchase of a new digital camera. 1 . Introduction: When a person makes a decision to buy something, basically, the product he want to buy is useful for him and he need it. Then he will go to find the â€Å"information† about that kind of goods from every seller and different brands. After he collect the information from ads, magazines, his friends, or mass media, he will think about that, compare the qualities, prices, services†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦between different sellers or companies, decide which brand of the product he gonna buy. Finally, he will choose the most preferred brand to buy. After he bought the product, as a marketer, do not forget the last part of â€Å"buyer decision process.† : Post-purchase behaviour. The reaction of customers are very important for a company . What are the buyers thinking about the products , it’s satisfied or dissatisfied, even the reputation of one company are all depends on â€Å"Post-Purchase behaviour.† So , the stages buyers pass through to reach a buying dcision are : Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Need recognition; Information search; Evaluation of alternative; Purchase decision ; Post-purchase behaviour. â€Å"Clearly, the buying process starts long before actual purchase, and continues long after. Marketers need to focus on the entire buying process rather than on just the purchase decision. But in more routine purchase consumers often skip or reverse some of these stages.†( Kotler Brown – Marketing 6th edition . ) 2 . ‘Buyer Decision Process’ : At the beginning of year 2004, Tony decided to buy a digital camera for taking photos during his journey around Europe. There were lots brands of digital cameras on sell at that time. He had to make a decision between them. 2.1 Stage 1 Need recognition Tony wants a digital camera to take photos during the way for personal using. Therefore the demands of functions are just enough for satisfy the individual need. The digital camera need to have the basic function the normal camera has and the price should be not too expensive, it’s better if the quality of pictures are more clearly, the speed faster and the design novelty. From this stage, the marketers should research the information that what the consumer need. It could become the target for a company who want improve the skill of their producing, for less risk , they need to follow the â€Å"Marketing Concept† , outside-in perspective , focus on customers . 2.2 Stage 2 Information search The science today is developing all the time , people need the cameras have more technologies in them . Digital camera could satisfy the demand of customers by it’s bigger LCD screen; transiting photos to computers from the camera; colorful display; faster speed; innovative features †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and also, all of these become the objective of the camera companies. There are lots goods from different camera companies such like Canon, Sony, Kodak, Olympus, Samsung†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ could be chosen by Tony. As most customers, Tony ringed his friends, asked how was the opinions and knowledge of the brand of the product from them, read some news about digital camera from magazines and newspapers, found some information through the internet, even go around several camera shops†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦At last, he limited the scope he the researching. He found two type of cameras which are fit for him. They are Sony Cyber-shot DSC-T1(Sony DSC-T1) and CANON IXUS430(Canon S430). Sony Canon We can see, in the business world today, â€Å"a company must design its marketing mix to make protects aware of and knowledgeable about its brand.†1 It’s very important for a company to know what the consumer thinking about their products and even the repute of them. If they didn’t advertised the produce, they may loss a lot of business profit because the complete ignorance of the customers. 2.3 Stage 3 Evaluation Of Alternatives The two digital camera companies all have high quality and good faith, the price of Sony DSC-T1 is 550 dollars, however the original price of Canon S430 was 620 dollars, now they are on sell just 520 dollars. Canon has a 1.5†³ LCD screen, Sony is 2.5†³ LCD display; The speed of Sony DSC-T1 is 15^1/5300 s, and the speed of the Canon is 15^1/2000 s; Canon camera has the USB input to connect with computers, but no memory stick. There are both USB input and memory stick on Sony DSC-T1. The weight of Sony is 180g, and Canon is 185g. For the people who buy the Sony camera, they retain the right to exchange the goods with any fault whenever they want in one year. There’s a only half a year’s warranty to Canon S430. But, If Tony decides to buy the Canon S430, he could also get a free camera handbag from the company. For personal use, the warranty of the company is the most important, which means to a company, service marketing is very important. Sony may win Canon by this factor. But also, Tony need to compare the qualities of two brands of cameras. He never mind how big the screen is, any of these two is ok for him. Because it’s a individual purchase, he just wants the speed of the camera enough to take normal photos, if faster, that’s better. Tony need the camera could connect with his computer, that he could keep the photos and fix them by the program in his computer and send them to his friends and relative. If the camera has memory stick is more useful. â€Å"Sony† is lighter than â€Å"Canon†, Tony could get more convenience from Sony camera. However, the price of Sony is 30 dollars more than Canon. 2.4 Stage 4 Purchase Decision After he compare the conditions above carefully, he made a decision to buy Sony Cyber-shot DCS-T1 camera. But it’s still not the last decision he’s made. â€Å"Two factors can come between the purchase intention and the purchase decision.† Maybe his friend doesn’t like the brand of â€Å"Sony† but â€Å"Olympus†, or at the same time, the price of another digital camera from Olympus has dropped down to 490 dollars and also has the similar effect as the two camera we’ve talked before. He may change his mind and buy the Olympus camera. 2.5 Stage 5 Post-purchase Behaviour After all of 4 stages before, Tony bought the camera which he decided to buy – Sony Cyber-shot DCS-T1, It seems like, he has already finished his buying process, but not really. The last stage of â€Å"Buyer decision Process† is very important. If Tony is satisfied by the camera he bought, he may advertises to his friends and suggest them to buy this brand of products (not just camera) and he will trust this company and buy this brand of product again. However, if he finds the quality of the camera is not as good as what he wants, he will also complain how bad the product is to his friends and relatives. There’s not just one customer dissatisfy like Tony, the company will lose million dollars of profit. Therefore, companies should pay attention to the â€Å"Post-purchase process† . The reputation of the company is depend on this stage. It could help the marketers get more customers and business profit. When some customers want to buy some goods, maybe there’s not all the stages during the process. They may skip or reverse some of the stages. Just like Tony, If he is satisfied this time, the next time he want to buy a walkman, or digital TV, or DVD player, he may skip of the second stage(Information search) and the third stage(Evaluation of alternatives). And also, for the next time, he reverse of the stages. the last stage(Post-purchase behaviour) come after the first stage(Need recognition) before the forth stage(Purchase decision). 3 . Conclusion : The â€Å"Buyer Decision Process† is the process when the customers making decision to buy something. It useful for customers to get the goods they really need and fit for the value. Also it’s the most common way of purchasing goods. On the other hand, the process is very important for marketers to improve their producing skill and get the information of how customers feel about their products. If marketers follow the process and satisfy the customers, they will be successful in their business. 4. Reference : 1. Marketing, 6th edition, Kotler Brown. 2. Law in Commerce, 2nd Edition, Brendan Sweeney & Jennifer O’Reilly. 3. 4.

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Humans first sustained themselves as hunters & gatherers ; Hunters were responsible for killing and capturing animal and using their hung t for food, clothing, or tools; Gatherers were learned how to tell which plants or fruits we re edible ; Early technology consisted of shaping stones into tools and weapons for hunt ; Mostly nomadic societies that had a migration pattern depending on the movement of game and/ or the seasonal growth of plants Major Migrations: 1.East Africa-. Australia-. Middle East-?. Europe-. Asia 2. Asia AL and Bridge) *The Americas The Neolithic Revolution: The Revolution- ; In 8000 B. C. E. Human beings began to develop settled communities Settling was based on successful cultivation of crops and domestication of ann. malls ; the revolution itself occurred independently , in various locations, over a large time period Each agricultural hearth developed different farming practices that worked WI the their own land features Revolution Outcomes: 1.There was more c onstant food supply now that people started controlling food production and animal domestication. . With greater availability and easier access to food sources, much more people were able to eat. This resulted in longer life spans, and an I increasing population 3. Specialized jobs such as priests, traders, and builders are created considering not everyone is needed for food production 4.Women became responsible for raising children, cooking and cleaning while men controlled agricultural production and worked. This resulted into patriarchal systems , where males became dominant in family life, the economy, and the government. 5. Settled peoples considered themselves superior when compared to the remain inning hunters and gatherers, creating social distinctions between the two groups.Vegetative Planting-? ; first form of plant cultivation (according to Carl Saucer) ; plants are produced from direct cloning by cutting stems & dividing roots ; originated in Southeast Asia ; settled peo ple participated in a lot of fishing and hunting ; first domesticated plants/crops include taro, yam, banana, and palm ; first domesticated animals were most likely dogs, pigs, and chickens ; other vegetative planting hearths were West Africa and Northwestern South A America Vegetative planting Diffusion from Southeast Asia:Seed Agriculture-? Eastern Hemisphere: Carl Saucer identified 3 hearths which included western India, northern China, and Ethiopia In SW Asia, wheat & barley were domesticated, along with cattle, sheep, & ago TTS ; Herding animals were used for plowing, meat, skins, and milk ; Millet diffused from the northern China hearth ; Both millet and sorghum were domesticated in Ethiopia Diffusion of in Eastern Hemisphere: 1. SW Asia *Europe *North Africa *India *Indus River Valley 2.NW China ;South Asia -9 SE Asia Western Hemisphere: ; Two identified hearths: southern Mexico & northern Peru Mexico was the origin point for squash and corn (maize) ; Per was the origin point for beans, cotton, and squash ; The Europeans coming to the Western Hemisphere in the 1 5th century create d widespread diffusion in agriculture Innovations: Irrigation allowed water to be channeled to fields ; Fields were plowed to loosen soil Fences kept animals from entering agricultural fields.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Chem Lab – Heat of Combustion of Magnesium

Heat of Combustion of Magnesium Background: The students were given full instructions on how to experimentally determine the enthalpy of reaction (? Hrxn) for the combustion of magnesium ribbon, using Hess’s Law. Data Collection: |Reaction 1 |Reaction 2 | | |(MgO) |(Mg) | | |Trial 1 |Trial 2 |Trial 1 |Trial 2 | |Volume of 1. 00 M HCl |50. 0 mL  ± 0. 5 mL |50. 0 mL  ± 0. 5 mL |50. mL  ± 0. 5 mL |50. 0 mL  ± 0. 5 mL | |Final temperature, t2 |28. 9(C  ± 0. 1(C |28. 8(C  ± 0. 1(C |44. 8(C  ± 0. 1(C |44. 4( C  ± 0. 1(C | |Initial temperature, t1 |22. 5(C  ± 0. 1(C |22. 3( C  ± 0. 1(C |21. 9(C  ± 0. 1(C |21. 8( C  ± 0. 1(C | |Mass of solid |0. 50 g  ± 0. 01g |0. 50 g  ± 0. 01g |0. 25 g  ± 0. 01g |0. 25 g  ± 0. 01g | Data Processing: |Reaction 1 | | |(MgO) | | |Trial 1 |Trial 2 | |Change in |final temperature – initial temperature |final temperature – initial temperature | |temperature, (t |28. (C – 22. 5(C = 6. 4(C |28. 8(C – 22. 3(C = 6. 3(C | | | | | | |Uncertainty of temperature: 0. 1(C + 0. 1(C = 0. 2(C |Uncertainty of temperature: 0. 1(C + 0. 1(C = 0. 2(C | | | | | | |Change in temperature = 6. (C  ± 0. 2(C |Change in temperature = 6. 3(C  ± 0. 2(C | |Heat of HCl |Mass of 1. 0 M HCl [pic] specific heat of HCl [pic] change in |Mass of 1. 0 M HCl [pic] specific heat of HCl [pic] change in | |solution, q |temperature |temperature | | | | | | |To find mass of 1. 0 M HCl : Density of 1. M HCl [pic] volume |To find mass of 1. 0 M HCl : Density of 1. 0M HCl [pic] volume | | |of 1. 0M HCl |of 1. 0M HCl | | |1. 005 [pic] [pic] 50. 0 mL = 50. 3 g |1. 005 [pic] [pic] 50. 0 mL = 50. 3 g | | | | | | |50. 3 g [pic] . 00418 [pic] [pic] 6. 4(C = 1. 3 kJ |50. g [pic] . 00418 [pic] [pic] 6. 3(C = 1. 3 kJ | | | | | | |% Uncertainty of Heat: [(0. 5mL ? 50 mL) + (0. 2(C ? 6. 4(C)] |% Uncertainty of Heat: [(0. 5mL ? 50 mL) + (0. 2(C ? 6. 3(C)] | | |[pic] 100% = 4% |[pic] 100% = 4% | | |Uncertainty of Heat: 4% of 1. 3 kJ = 0. 5 kJ |Uncertainty of Heat: 4% of 1. kJ = 0. 5 kJ | | | | | | |Heat of HCl = 1. 3 kJ  ± 0. 5 kJ |Heat of HCl = 1. 3 kJ  ± 0. 5 kJ | |Enthalpy change,|Enthalpy change of reaction = -heat of HCl solution |Enthalpy change of reaction = -heat of HCl solution | |(H | | | | |Enthalpy of MgO = -1. kJ  ± 0. 5 kJ |Enthalpy of MgO = -1. 3 kJ  ± 0. 5 kJ | |Moles of MgO |Mass of MgO ? molar mass of MgO |Mass of MgO ? molar mass of MgO | | | | | | |0. 50 g MgO ? 40. 30[pic] = 0. 0120 mol |0. 50 g MgO ? 40. 30[pic] = 0. 0120 mol | | |% Uncertainty of moles: (0. 01g ? 0. 0g) [pic] 100% = 2% |% Uncertainty of moles: (0. 01g ? 0. 50g) [pic] 100% = 2% | | |Uncertainty of moles: 2% of 0. 0120 mol = 0. 0002 mol |Uncertainty of moles: 2% of 0. 0120 mol = 0. 0002 mol | | | | | | |Moles of MgO = 0. 0120 mol  ± 0. 0002 mol |Moles of MgO = 0. 0120 mol  ± 0. 0002 mol | |Molar enthalpy |Enthalpy of MgO ? moles of MgO |Enthalpy of MgO ? oles of MgO | |change, (H/m ol | | | | |-1. 3 kJ ? 0. 0120 mol = -110 [pic] |-1. 3 kJ ? 0. 0120 mol = -110 [pic] | | | | | | |% Uncertainty: [(0. 5 kJ ? 1. 3 kJ) + (0. 0002 mol ? 0. 0120 mol)] |% Uncertainty: [(0. 5 kJ ? 1. 3 kJ) + (0. 0002 mol ? 0. 120 mol)] | | |[pic] 100% = 40% |[pic] 100% = 40% | | |Uncertainty: 40% of -110 [pic] = 40 [pic] |Uncertainty: 40% of -110 [pic] = 40 [pic] | | | | | | |Molar enthalpy change = -110 [pic]  ± 40 [pic] |Molar enthalpy change = -110 [pic]  ± 40 [pic] | |Average molar |(molar enthalpy change of Trial 1 + molar enthalpy change of Trial 2) ? | |enthalpy change |( -110 [pic] + -110 [pic] ) ? 2 = -110 [pic] | | | | | |Uncertainty: (40 [pic] + 40 [pic] ) ? 2 = 40 [pic] | | | | | |Average molar enthalpy change = -110 [pic]  ± 40 [pic] | |Reaction 2 | | |(Mg) | | |Trial 1 |Trial 2 | |Change in |final temperature – initial temperature |final temperature – initial temperature | |temperature, (t |44. 8(C – 21. 9(C = 22. 9(C |44. 4(C  œ 21. 8(C = 22. (C | | | | | | |Uncertainty of temperature: 0. 1(C + 0. 1(C = 0. 2(C |Uncertainty of temperature: 0. 1(C + 0. 1(C = 0. 2(C | | | | | | |Change in temperature = 22. 9(C  ± 0. 2(C |Change in temperature = 22. 6(C  ± 0. 2(C | |Heat of HCl |Mass of 1. M HCl [pic] specific heat of HCl [pic] change in |Mass of 1. 0 M HCl [pic] specific heat of HCl [pic] change in | |solution, q |temperature |temperature | | | | | | |To find mass of 1. 0 M HCl : Density of 1. 0M HCl [pic] volume |To find mass of 1. 0 M HCl : Density of 1. 0M HCl [pic] volume | | |of 1. 0M HCl |of 1. M HCl | | |1. 005 [pic] [pic] 50. 0 mL = 50. 3 g |1. 005 [pic] [pic] 50. 0 mL = 50. 3 g | | | | | | |50. 3 g [pic] . 00418 [pic] [pic] 22. 9(C = 4. 81 kJ |50. 3 g [pic] . 00418 [pic] [pic] 22. 6(C = 4. 75 kJ | | | | | | |% Uncertainty of Heat: [(0. 5mL ? 0 mL) + (0. 2(C ? 22. 9(C)] |% Uncertainty of Heat: [(0. 5mL ? 50 mL) + (0. 2(C ? 22. 6(C)] | | |[pic] 100% = 1. 9% |[pic] 100% = 1. 9% | | |Unc ertainty of Heat: 1. 9% of 4. 81 kJ = 0. 09 kJ |Uncertainty of Heat: 1. 9% of 4. 75 kJ = 0. 09 kJ | | | | | | |Heat of HCl = 4. 81 kJ  ± 0. 09 kJ |Heat of HCl = 4. 75 kJ  ± 0. 9 kJ | |Enthalpy change,|Enthalpy change of reaction = -heat of HCl solution |Enthalpy change of reaction = -heat of HCl solution | |(H | | | | |Enthalpy of Mg = -4. 81 kJ  ± 0. 09 kJ |Enthalpy of Mg = -4. 75 kJ  ± 0. 09 kJ | |Moles of Mg |Mass of Mg ? molar mass of Mg |Mass of Mg ? molar mass of Mg | | | | | | |0. 25 g ? 24. 30[pic] = 0. 010 mol |0. 25 g ? 24. 30[pic] = 0. 10 mol | | |% Uncertainty of moles: (0. 01g ? 0. 25g) [pic] 100% = 4% |% Uncertainty of moles: (0. 01g ? 0. 25g) [pic] 100% = 4% | | |Uncertainty of moles: 4% of 0. 0100 mol = 0. 0004 mol |Uncertainty of moles: 4% of 0. 0100 mol = 0. 0004 mol | | | | | | |Moles of Mg = 0. 0100  ± 0. 0004 mol |Moles of Mg = 0. 0100  ± 0. 0004 mol | |Molar enthalpy |Enthalpy of Mg ? oles of Mg |Enthalpy of Mg ? moles of Mg | |change, (H/mo l | | | | |-4. 81kJ ? 0. 0100 mol = -481 [pic] |-4. 75 kJ ? 0. 0100 mol = – 475[pic] | | | | | | |% Uncertainty: [(0. 09 kJ ? 4. 81 kJ) + (0. 0004 mol ? 0. 0100 |% Uncertainty: [(0. 09 kJ ? 4. 75 kJ) + (0. 0004 mol ? 0. 100 | | |mol)] [pic] 100% = 6% |mol)] [pic] 100% = 6% | | |Uncertainty: 6% of -481 [pic] = 29 [pic] |Uncertainty: 6% of -475 [pic] = 29 [pic] | | | | | | |Molar enthalpy change = -481 [pic]  ± 29 [pic] |Molar enthalpy change = -475 [pic]  ± 29 [pic] | |Average molar |(molar enthalpy change of Trial 1 + molar enthalpy change of Trial 2) ? | |enthalpy change |(-481 [pic] + -475 [pic] ) ? 2 = -478 [pic] | | | | | |Uncertainty: (29 [pic] + 29 [pic] ) ? 2 = 29 [pic] | | | | | |Average molar enthalpy change = -478 [pic]  ± 29 [pic] |

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Citizenship in the World, Bsa Merit Badge.

| Citizenship in the World| Counselor: Jack P. Wiiki| | | 8/26/2012| | Requirement 1) â€Å"What does Citizenship in the world mean to you, and what does it take to become one? † Citizenship in the World, meaning that one ultimately is motivated to defend and preserve human rights, and human dignity. Has an interest in an assortment of global interests, and fairness to nations other than their own and it's allies. This person would have respect for fellow human beings, regardless of race, gender, religion, or nationality, and works to protect the world from degradation.Requirement 2) â€Å"How does one become a United States citizen, and what are the rights, duties and obligations of these citizens, and two other countries? † United States: 1. Are at least 18 years old and a lawful permanent resident (â€Å"green card† holder); 2. Have resided continuously in the United States, having been lawfully admitted for permanent residence, for five years immediately prec eding the date you filed your application for naturalization, or 3. Have, after having been removed from conditional permanent resident status, based upon your marriage to a U.S. citizen, having resided in the United States for one year after the date the condition was removed; 4. Have resided continuously in the United States at all times after your application to the time and date of your admission for citizenship; 5. Have, during all periods of time referred to above, been and still are a person of good moral character; 6. Have no outstanding deportation or removal order and no pending deportation or removal proceeding; 7. Have the ability to read, write, speak, and understand simple words and phrases in English; 8.Have knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of U. S. history and government; 9. Are attached to, and can support, the principles of the U. S. Constitution and can swear allegiance to the United States. Iran: 1. the applicant should be 18 years old. 2. Five yea rs of consecutive or alternate residence in Iran is required. 3. The applicants should have served their military service. 4. The applicants should not be convicts of any major crime or non-political offense in any country.Of course, given the revision of the nation's Penal Code and the elimination of such terms as offense and crime, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Code Article 979 should likewise be revised. It should be noted, however, that the government might refrain from granting Iranian citizenship to aliens either on account of political reasons or for the protection of national security. The admission of such applications might, therefore, require the Cabinet's approval. Switzerland: Naturalization Swiss citizenship can be acquired through what is called naturalization.To become naturalized, you need to have resided in Switzerland for at least twelve years, three of which occurred within the five years prior to the request. Time spent in Switzerland between the ages of 10 and 20 ye ars counts double. The request is to be made to the Aliens Police in the municipality of residence. From there, it will then be sent to the Federal Department of Justice and Police, who will give a principle authorization if the following conditions are met: You are integrated in the Swiss community. You are accustomed to Swiss way of life and practices.You comply with the Swiss legal system. You in no way compromise the internal or external security of Switzerland. Since Switzerland is a federal country, authorization must then be obtained from the canton and the municipality. The canton and municipality of residence can add further conditions and set the cost of acquiring citizenship before approving it. Conditions vary greatly from one region to the next. Some municipalities apply rather open policies, while others will go as far as granting nationality by means of a local population vote.Cost also varies according to municipality and canton. Requirement 3) Current Event: Syrian Civil War Excerpt from CNN â€Å"The Syrian regime, led by President Bashar al-Assad, launched a violent crackdown last year on activists demanding more economic prosperity, political freedom and civil liberties. This sparked a nationwide uprising and eventually a civil war with armed rebels, many of whom defected from the military. As of July, the conflict had claimed an estimated 17,000 lives, mostly civilians, according to the United Nations.And more than 170,000 people have fled the Middle East nation to seek refuge in neighboring countries such as Iraq, Jordan and Turkey. â€Å" Requirement 3A) â€Å"How a foreign country (France) is a global provider and it’s economy and global relations† Geography: The European portion of France, excluding islands and overseas territories is 211,209 sq miles. Natural Resources: Are limited, and most are either nearly exhausted, or very hard to obtain, Coal, Iron Ore, Bauxite, and small portions of Uranium.Climate Influence: Th e north and northwest have a temperate climate, while a combination of maritime influences, latitude and altitude produce a varied climate in the rest of Metropolitan France. In the south-east a Mediterranean climate prevails. In the west, the climate is predominantly oceanic with a high level of rainfall, mild winters and cool to warm summers, along with the very fertile soil, provides a very good growing season, and allows for the growing of many forests, and tourist attractions. Inland the climate becomes more continental with hot, stormy summers, colder winters and less rain.The climate of the Alps and other mountainous regions is mainly alpine, with the number of days with temperatures below freezing over 150 per year and snow cover lasting for up to six months. Global Partnerships: a leading member of the International Francophone Organization (OIF) of fifty-one fully or partly French-speaking countries, and World Trade Organization. Requirement 4C) â€Å"What do the U. N and the World Court do for the world? † U. N: Is an international organization who aims for facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achievement of world peace.World Court: Its main functions are to settle legal disputes submitted to it by sovereign states and to provide opinions on legal questions submitted to it by international agencies. Requirement 5) Previously Discussed. Requirement 6) â€Å"How is government represented abroad? And how is the U. S accredited to international organizations? † A government is recognized through embassies and consulates in all nations with which they have diplomatic relations. The United States government has been accredited to international organizations by signing into organizations and becoming an official member.They participate in the happenings of the many different organizations and do their best to help whatever cause the organization is prom oting. Requirement 7) To Be Discussed. Democratic Republic(USA)- Star Communist (North Korea, China, Vietnam)-Equal Sign Dictatorship (Cuba, Venezuela) -â€Å"No† Symbol Monarchy (Saudi Arabia, Monaco) -X Theocracy (Iran) -Sun Democratic Republic(USA)- Star Communist (North Korea, China, Vietnam)-Equal Sign Dictatorship (Cuba, Venezuela) -â€Å"No† Symbol Monarchy (Saudi Arabia, Monaco) -X Theocracy (Iran) -Sun

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Disease Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disease Management - Essay Example Controlling the symptoms with just giving medicines, did not give them any relief and they were in distress. They wanted some one to talk to them and address other aspects like taking them to church or asking some dear one to meet them, etc. However, the wards were full and nurses could not spend much time with each patient. They were working mechanically with no emotional aspect in their care. The ward incharge who realized this suggested an increase in staff to the management. However, in my opinion, what the ward needed was different case management and not just increase in staff. According to Smith (2003), "case management involves an approach and an organizational attitude to achieving these ends, not simply a team of nurses." Schifalacqua et al (2004) opined that in order to realize individual fiscal and clinical outcomes, it is very important to implement community-based advance case management program. This is because, one of the keys for self-management outcomes appears to b e a personalised partnership. References MacKinnon-Schifalacqua, M., O'Hearn-Ulch, P., & Schmidt, M. (2004). How to make a difference in the health care of a population: One person at a time. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 28(1), 29. Smith, A. (2003).

Monday, August 12, 2019

Defentions and Financial Mesures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Defentions and Financial Mesures - Essay Example Focus on shareholder value started gaining prominence in the 1980s and by the start of 21st century had become a key element in corporate governance in the US, UK, and most of leading European nations like Germany, France and Sweden; so much so that the OECD, in their document released in 1999, emphasised that firms be run first and foremost in the interest of shareholders. They further reinforced this thought in their 2004 release of OECD principles of corporate governance (OECD 2004). As the fad of focus on shareholder value began spreading, the understanding of the concept seemed to have started to erode somewhat as many executives began to focus on quarterly earnings as a key driver of their stock prices. The concept of shareholder value does not, however, imply that companies should target a short-term â€Å"never-before† high stock price at any cost. A company targeting only short-term stock price gains is likely to suffer in the long-term as it would be subject to makin g decisions that may seem beneficial in the short-term but could likely produce a negative long-term effect. Instead, the concept of shareholder value means that if a company builds value, its stock price will trace it; the objective for a firm’s management is then â€Å"to build value and let the stock price reflect this value† (Mauboussin, 2011). And, the value creation of a company is reflected in its ability to secure and increase its long-term cash flow. It is thus essential to understand how to and, more importantly, how not to create shareholder value. Creating shareholder value is not just about getting the numbers right in the short-term but more about taking the right decisions that create sustainable long-term value for the firm. For example, in order to â€Å"increase the shareholder value†, a firm could cut its cost on pollution abatement and lead to environmental damage; such actions, however, are not sustainable in the long-term and when the time comes to take corrective measures in the long-term, the associated costs could be several times higher. Another very recent example is how banks and other lenders blindly lent money to create the housing bubble in the US. From short-term perspective, the sub-prime lending seemed extremely attractive for creating value and seeing the stock prices skyrocket but it was probably not the best decision from long-term cash flow perspective. Thus, from the long-term perspective and in retrospection, the overlooking of fundamentals of lending without considering the ability of people to repay and the short-term focus on numbers was probably not the best strategy for creating value. This ideology of focussing on short-term was even criticised by Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, and a chief proponent of the idea of â€Å"shareholder value†. In an article on Financial times, Welch called the short-term focus on share price as an indicator of shareholder value as â€Å"the dumbest idea† (Guerrera, 2009). He said that rather than setting share price as their objective, managers should focus on aligning their short-term profits with an increase in the long-term value. It is therefore important to understand that the principle of shareholder value is the right one only as long as it is understood properly and in the right sense; that is constantly focussing on the long-term and

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Information mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Information mangment - Essay Example The system also works towards shifting the workload from any single local computer system, to a cloud of many other computers that are interconnected to the system, which also functions like the computer in the main organization, through a web-based service that allows the local computers to run the programs of the organization such as the e-mail as well as other complex data of the organization (Furht & Escalante, 2010 p22). Social media Social media is a form of cloud computing, since it entails the use of data and resources of a single organization by different end users, who are situated in different parts of the world, through the internet (Morley & Parker, 19). Social media qualifies as a form of cloud computing, since it allows various end users to use the software and data of a single organization, to connect with the organization and with other end users, using their local computers and other internet-connecting devices, from all over the world. Social media is a form of clo ud computing because it entails many people connected to the social network through the internet, but operating from different regions. ... f cloud computing to large organizations that cannot be obtained by the small organizations is that the large organizations and the SMEs can use the same resources, but the large organization will benefit more, since it will spread the accessibility of the similar resources to many of its stakeholders, while the SMEs have few stakeholders to share with. Thus cloud computing offers the cost redaction benefit more to the large organizations, more than to the SMEs. Challenges for SMEs vis-a-vis big organisations The challenge is similar however, since Companies with different sizes (big, medium and small companies) face similar problems when it comes to the application of social media as a form of cloud computing, since their employees are using the existing computing resources owned by the companies, to connect and communicate with their relations, at the expense of applying such organizational resources productively (Morley & Parker, 19). The difference in the challenges between the l arge organization and the SMEs is that the large organizations have the ability to acquire and use the cloud computing technology, more than the SMEs. Differentiating between the three kinds of cloud computing Cloud computing platform is the main podium through which developers write the applications that runs the cloud (Furht & Escalante, 2010 p28). The cloud computing platform is the way through which the applications on the site of an organization are supported. On the other hand, cloud computing infrastructure refers to the interconnection of the resources that are applied to make the applications and the services possible for the end users, who uses an organizations data and software. Such infrastructure is made up of components such as operation support equipments, hardware, servers

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Breaking a Gender Norm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Breaking a Gender Norm - Essay Example Since culture defines expectations of a man, a man wearing a dress goes against the norm and is viewed as feminine because of wearing a dress; although, men in west Africa wear overall dresses in official and unofficial occasions (jewa6961, 2011). College shows double standards between men and women because men feel the desire to exercise dominance for them to be accepted in society. Although I found it easy to violate the male norm of dressing, the feelings of violating the dressing norm in men in a public place is quite uncomfortable regardless of the fact that women are proud of their appearance. I felt the need to act in a way that would conceal my feelings in an attempt to avoid consequences associated with violation of the norm. I had a feeling of fear regarding the way the people around would receive the gender deviant behavior because I knew there would be social penalties because I was behaving in way that is incongruent to the norm regarding male dressing. Due to preferred male dominance in the country, dressing like a woman exposed me to the double standards in violating the male dressing norms; moreover, acting in this way made me feel like I managed to break away from standards set out by the society. By wearing a dress evoked stereotype judgment aimed at me due to the violation of expected genders norms associated with men dressing because dressing in men is essential in showing their masculinity. However, to a certain extent I felt that people could be embracing actions of deviance aimed at gender norms because some people showed signs of comfort even when I broke norms of men dressing. However, traits related to gender can vary in accordance with culture, gender norms being what is considered socially acceptable in all genders advocates strict adherence to the norms in each gender. By violating the dressing norm in men I developed feelings of being socially unpredictable, confusion regarding norms, undermined trust regarding